Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Our newest adventure is our new baby lamb. We picked him up Sunday.  He is 4 days old today. B loves his new pet, M is a little unsure. He doesn't mind him being around, he just doesn't like him being up close to him.

Originally, we were going to get two lambs, but when we went to get them, there was only one left. He is so tiny, only weighs about 5 lbs.

Snowball was one of a set of triplets. He has been bottle fed with milk replacer since he was born. Bottle fed lambs have milk replacer for up to 40 days.

It is going to be interesting this summer watching the boys play with Snowball. Luke is building a fence outside for him and he has a stall for him by our chickens. Right now, while he is bottle fed, he is sleeping in a box in our porch. He has a straw bed and he snuggles right down and sleeps.

Lambs will begin to eat grass after they are one week old. Although spring has finally arrived, we still have snow on our back lawn. The front lawn by our house is snow free but it has lots of water in places.
Soon we will have lots of fresh green grass for Snowball to enjoy. And he will enjoy being outside in his own fence with lots of space. Snowball was trying to nibble at the grass a little bit outside yesterday.
Follow us as we enjoy our newest adventure in raising a baby lamb.

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